Author Guidelines


The submitted manuscript should be addressed to the Editor in Chief of Indonesian Journal of Empirical Nursing Sciences (IJENS). The manuscript must be submitted through online by a registered user. You can easily register with the journal system. For further questions contact us at 

General Principles

As a primary requirement, all articles submitted to Indonesian Journal of Empirical Nursing Sciences (IJENS) must be an original work that has never been published previously and is submitted exclusively to Indonesian Journal of Empirical Nursing Sciences (IJENS). The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all articles in the aspects of style, format, and clarity. Authors may be required to revise their manuscripts in any of these aspects. Manuscripts with excessive errors in any aspect may be returned to authors for rewriting or may be rejected. All manuscripts will be subjected to peer and editorial review.


We accept three types of article: original research, case studies, and literature review. Authors must also enclose the author form consist: title page, statement form, final checklist signed by all authors, and a copy of ethical approval (when needed). The forms must be submitted in the supplementary file section.

Structure and Language

We accept article in Indonesian or English. Authors must also ensure that articles are formatted follows Manuscript Template. The length of the article ranges from 6-10 pages and does not include the references.


The abstract should be written in both English and Indonesian Language with a maximum of 200 words. It should be concise and precise with enough information to highlight the main points and the importance of the article including one or two sentences of background, purpose of study; methods (basic procedures, study subject selection, observational and analytical methods); main findings or results; and principal conclusion. Keywords are minimum 3 words or short phrases that will allow proper and convenient indexing.


The text should be subdivided into introduction, methods, results, and discussion (IMRAD). The conclusion should be stated as the last sentence of the discussion. Footnotes are not advisable; their contents should rather be incorporated into the text. Use only standard abbreviations; use of nonstandard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. The spelled-out abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis should be used on the first mention unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement. If a sentence begins with a number, it should be spelled out. Cite in numerical order every figure and table.

Introduction. Contain information about the background of the research along with the research objectives which are presented in a concise and clear manner. The font used is Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spaced. 

Method. Contain the research design, number of samples and sampling techniques, place of research, research instruments, and data analysis. The font used is Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spaced. 

Results. The results are present findings that are meaningful and relevant to the research objectives. Illustrations of results can be in the form of graphs, tables, or figures. In interpreting the contents of tables or diagrams, don't get stuck in rereading the contents of the table or diagram, but focus on conclusions that can be drawn, such as trends, majority, patterns, directions, and so on.

Discussion. The discussion suggests relevance or compatibility between research results with theory and comparison of recent results with other published results. The discussion also explains the implications of the findings for science and its uses.

Conclusions. Conclusions must be in the form of complete sentences containing findings that can be updated to answer the research problem and provide recommendations for further research.

Statistical Methods

All statistical methods used should be described in detail in the methods section of the manuscript. Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols. Specify the computer software used.


Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and captions should be brief, clearly indicating the purpose or content of each table. Tables should be presented in Times New Roman size 10 pt and should be single-spaced. Do not use internal horizontal or vertical lines. Identify statistical measures of variation, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean. Be sure that each table is cited in the text. If you use data from another published or unpublished source, obtain permission and acknowledge that source fully.


Figures should be either professionally drawn or photographed and submitted in a JPEG format. 

Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been cited in the text. If a figure has been published previously, acknowledge the source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce the figure. Permission is required irrespective of authorship or publisher except for documents in the public domain. Color figures are allowed.


References should not fall below 10. Avoid using abstracts as references. References are written sequentially in alphabetical order. References consist of 60% from scientific journals and 40% from other literature. The year of publication of the references are 80% maximum of the last 10 years. Authors are recommended to use reference management software, such as Mendeley®, Zotero, or Elsevier Harvard's similar application format with the title, in writing citations and references.